Friday, January 6, 2012

Weld 'er up, Jimmy


Dave-O said...

Man, I'm glad you just did it. Because you know, welding is so easy. I usually weld with my eyes closed and my hands behind my back standing on my head. You must be a complete moron if you didn't just plug that thing in and start welding. Only pussies set it up for the metal type, thickness, and spend several years perfecting the craft of a strong, good looking weld. gay.

Dan Yoder said...

Yeah I know, I just plugged it in, turned it on, closed my eyes and pulled the trigger...Looks like a tiny bird flew in circles around the tubes and pooped the whole way...thats what its supposed to look like right?

aaron said...

Your assortment of power tools looks like it's bathed in heavenly light. Did you grind the welds yet or will you leave them so I can tell you where all the holes and cracks will be?

Dave-O said...

Oh, I also forgot to mention choppers are gay and I'm the best because I like something else.

Dan Yoder said...

Dan=Gay so Dan likes choppers!