Thursday, March 15, 2012

Blood Honey

Images from the week...


tom said...

Looks gnarley and scenically beautiful all at the same time.

Ben said...

Agreed, bleak and pretty. Enjoy the good parts of it.

WhitelinePsycho said...

Gorgeous but brrrrrr !!!

Ben said...

It's good to have a nametag, because if you get lost, someone can shove you in a mailbox and you'll be sent home.

tom said...

guess I'll hold off on mailing you those roller skates. They were the cool kind to, blue ked's sneakers with the 70mm yellow wheels.

That said, in order to have put this sign up in the first place, must mean they've had problems with punk ass skaters over there?

Dave-O said...

Oh man! I think I had a pair of roller skates like that as a kid.

Yeah, I think people have probably brought their skateboard here. There was some old footage of soldiers that built a halfpipe on the roof of a palace in Iraq and had footage of them skating it. I just searched Youtube for Iraq skate videos and there were dudes with full on parks on the FOB's there. Pretty sweet...

Dan Yoder said...

whats the medal for?

tom said...

say the word and I'll throw together a complete and send it out to you, then you can just leave it, donate it, or burn it before you leave.

Dan, the medal is just because Dave is super awesome.

Dave-O said...

I won the medal in a pie eating contest.

Thanks for the offer Tommy! The problem is they won't let me wear skate shoes with my PT or regular uniform. Something about uniform appearance standards or some crap. I think they should make Vans part of the uniform personally. Amy thinks they should change out the hat every few years to different kinds....since the berret has already been done and now we are back to regular field cap...make the next one a top hat or something.

Amy said...

Pie eating contest? I thought there was a food shortage! And yes, the hats need to be updated. Something " cooler" so people know how cool you are without even knowing you!